This web site is It's all about my original work for sale and new affordable quality prints of my original artwork. For the first time I am offering a complete yet easy way to chose the artwork, size, mats and frames, colors, shipping information, and a simple payment screen to finish your order.
I started painting professionally in 1998. I started attending juried art fairs in 2010. Since that time I have participated in more than 80 regional shows and sold about 600 original paintings. An online reviewer once wrote "In the past few years, his work has taken on unique personalities with vibrant colors, symmetry, and imaginative subject matter, all providing you with new and compelling presentations. His art is a treat to explore...”
If you would like to speak to me about viewing my work, or locally arrange for a private presentation regarding my art or art show experience, feel free to call/text to 319-899-6043 or email questions to vi[email protected].